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- Lucas Kelly
What do you do in your music career?
I have a portfolio career as a freelance musician, working within different areas of the industry. The bulk of my work at the moment is peripatetic and private teaching keyboard and piano students. As a performer, I am an accompanist for choirs, perform as a soloist in classical and jazz styles and also perform as part of ensembles and big bands. Occasionally, I also perform at functions such as weddings and receptions. Also, I have had commisioned composition work, and work to transcribe parts for musicals/shows.
What's your favourite thing about being a musician?
I'm an improviser by nature, so I enjoy including improvising in as much of my work as possible, treating all of my work, especially as an accompanist, as an oppurtunity to improvise!
Which Musica Kirklees groups were you in?
I was part of Musica Holme Valley Big Band on keyboard, and played percussion in the Senior Wind Band too! I also enjoyed being part of the Greenhead College Big Band.
What is your favourite memory from Musica Kirklees?
I think the stand out memory is performing at the Royal Albert Hall as part of the Music for Youth national festival. It was an incredible performance oppurtunity, but also special because we performed my GCSE composition. This was the first time I'd heard an original compostition performed live, and I worked with Musica teachers to edit my score and make this possible. It was an amazing insight and introduction to the music industry!
What was your biggest takeaway from your time at Musica Kirklees?
Through taking part in the music centres, I learnt how to fulfill my role in ensembles as a pianist in ensembles such as big bands and orchestras. Also, performing in the Big Band inspired me to pursue jazz, improvisation and ensemble playing even further. By the time I got to RBC and started running my own ensembles and creative projects, I already had a lot of established experience in ensemble playing and had pointers on how I might go about leading groups of my own.
Do you have any advice for the musicians of Musica Kirklees?
As scary and daunting as performing can be, it's a great thing to engage with, and when you have a few concerts behind you it only gets easier and easier. Also, playing as part of an ensemble is not only a way to improve as a musician, but a wonderful way to meet other like-minded people and make lasting friendships.