Musica Soul Band

Musica Soul Band has developed into an exciting and popular ensemble.

The Soul Band members tend to be drawn from the senior ensembles and high schools.  This gives the band a constantly revolving door of players as pupils move on and are replaced by up and coming musicians in the area.  Although this is an exciting aspect of the band and helps to keep the music and the overall look of the band fresh it can lead to a relatively small membership, especially in September when our recruitment phase begins.

The directors of the ensemble (Mr Delaney, Mr Scriven) are keen to emphasise an independent ‘band ethic’ for the Soul Band where players become responsible for their own parts, research repertoire and are required to operate without a conductor.  This gives the band members more ownership of their performances and hopefully prepares them for further work in professional ensembles.

If you are interested in joining the Soul Band we invite you to come along to a rehearsal and see what the band is all about.  We can arrange an informal audition to answer any of your questions and give you the chance to demonstrate your skills.