WCIT Bass Clef Brass Activities and Resources

These activities and resources are for teachers working with pupils in Key Stage 2.

Additional activities for pupils receiving small group/individual instrumental or vocal tuition can be found on our Resources for Pupils pages.

Posture and Breathing

Posture and Breathing

How to maintain correct posture and breathing in preparation for practice

Embouchure and Note Production

Embouchure and Note Production

Using the correct technique for playing

Warm Up

Warm Up

Mr Wightman demonstrates a simple way to warm up using scales and arpeggios

Lip Flexibility Exercise Tutorial

Lip Flexibility Exercise Tutorial

Top tips on how to improve lip flexibility

German Tune

German Tune

A piece that can be played as a trio or duet.  Suitable for treble clef brass, bass clef brass or a mixture of the two.

Trombone - 'Banana Rap' 1 using F, Eb and D

Trombone - 'Banana Rap' 1 using F, Eb and D

Tutorial on 'Banana Rap' from the Musica Kirklees Trombone Beginner Book

Trombone - 'Banana Rap' 2 using Bb, C and D

Trombone - 'Banana Rap' 2 using Bb, C and D

More 'Banana Rap' fun for bass clef trombone

Trombone - Police Car Jam

Trombone - Police Car Jam

Developing playing for bass clef trombone

Trombone - Dinosaur Stomp

Trombone - Dinosaur Stomp

Prehistoric practice time!

Trombone - Bb, C and D

Trombone - Bb, C and D

Mr Dolling demonstrates how to play Bb, C and D

Trombone - B and C Exercises

Trombone - B and C Exercises

Once pupils are familiar with B and C, follow Mr Kingham's video to practice

Trombone - Shotgun

Trombone - Shotgun

A tutorial on George Ezra's chart topper suitable for WCET beginners up to grade 2

Tuba - Eb, F and G

Tuba - Eb, F and G

Practise minims, crotchets and quavers with Eb, F and G

Tuba - Eb, F, G and Ab

Tuba - Eb, F, G and Ab

Now you know Eb, F and G it's time to add Ab

Tuba - Speedy Valves!

Tuba - Speedy Valves!

Ready, steady, go!  Use half scales to increase finger strength as well as improve articulation and valve work

Tuba - March of the Ants

Tuba - March of the Ants

Mr Dolling presents a tutorial for pre-grade 1 to grade 3 players

Reward Chart

Reward Chart

Record your practice by colouring in this chart.  How will you celebrate when you've filled it all in?   

Lip Flexibility Exercise

Exercises specific for each grade (1 to 8)

Trombone - Speedy Fingers Exercise

Exercise to improve articulation and valve co-ordination as well as strengthen fingers.

Reward Chart

Reward Chart

Record your practice by colouring in this chart.  How will you celebrate when you've filled it all in?   

Bollywood Brass Academy

Bollywood Brass Academy work with children to promote and diversify brass band music.  Their website offers publications and some free resources.

Warwick Music Publications

Publications for WCET brass