WCIT Ukulele Activities and Resources

These activities and resources are for teachers working with pupils in Key Stage 2.

Additional activities for pupils receiving small group/individual instrumental or vocal tuition can be found on our Resources for Pupils pages.

Tuning a Ukulele

Tuning a Ukulele

A simple guide to tuning a ukulele for teachers and parents/carers

Thank you Baked Potato

Thank you Baked Potato

A fun song with an important message.  Pupils can learn to play the simple tune using the sheet music and tutorial video, or sing along with accompaniment.

We'll Meet Again

We'll Meet Again

All abilities can enjoy learning to play this wartime song on the ukulele

Ukulele Beginner Guide

Three short step-by-step booklets for absolute beginner ukulele players.  An ideal way for parents/carers and children to learn together, or to be used in the classroom.

Book 1 Book 2 Book 3

Ukulele Jamboree Songbook

A collection of chords and lyrics to familiar traditional songs.  Chord patterns provided for ukulele accompaniment.

Birdsong Improvisation for Ukulele

A good piece for pupils to play at school or at home, with accompaniment or using the mp3 download backing track

Download Backing Track