We have been advised today that we will not be able to access Honley High School tomorrow (15.7.23).

This means that we have had to make some significant last minute changes to our plan

  • Groups who were not going to be in the concert will NOT be having a rehearsal tomorrow
  • Central Classes are cancelled (teachers will inform their pupils if there are any exceptions)

The following changes have been made to the Junior Groups Concert:

  • The concert will now take place at 10am at Hade Edge Band Room (refreshments served at 10am, concert at 10.30 – 11.15am approximately)
  • Junior Strings, Wind Wizards and Recorder Group will be performing. Unfortunately, due to the change of venue, Junior Guitars, African Drummers and Mini Musica will not be able to perform.

Please accept our apologies for any disappointment or disruption these changes may cause to you and your family.  We know many of you were looking forward to performing or watching your child/ren, and that students and staff have put in a lot of hard work and preparation.  Shortening the concert was a difficult decision that we had to make due to circumstances beyond our control and we felt that we must give priority to groups who had yet to have a performance opportunity this term.

If you have already bought your ticket and are unable to attend the concert, please email with your details and we’ll arrange a refund.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter and we look forward to seeing our Junior Strings, Wind Wizards and Recorder Groups at 10am at Hade Edge Band Room tomorrow.

We’ll be back for our first rehearsals of the Autumn on Saturday, September 9.

Wishing you all a wonderful Summer and thank you for your support throughout this academic year.


The Musica Holme Valley Team